Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Holo Month Day 10: My Fabulous Private Jet (Franken)

I was having a conversation with Susan and Annette on twitter just the other day and we were discussing how I recently bought so many holo polishes and I jokingly said I could do an entire month's worth of posts just on holo goodness. Well, since I already started out with the first eight Layla holograms, I thought why not? If I could have my way, I'd be posting every single day for holo month but since I just started work, you'll have to be contented with say, three posts a week? As I'm typing this, I have my audit notes (which I'm supposed to be studying) on my desk. It's only Day 2 of work and yet it was an eleven hour day for me. And I have three more days of training to go, with a test on Friday and on the weekend, I have some e-learning to do. Whoever said there'd be no more learning and tests after we graduated was CLEARLY LYING.

Oh well. I digress. So, continuing on my holo rampage, today I have a franken to show you.
OPI My Private Jet was my first polish love. I saw it on notebookdoodles (it's such a shame she doesn't update the blog anymore) a long while back and I suspect her's was the holographic brown version. We'll go into all the different versions in a bit but back to the polish, it was love at first sight. 
Now onto the different version, God knows how many they are but so far, I've counted the original holographic, charcoal holographic, brown holographic, teal flash and the latest yucky brown with silver flecks.

Sadly, by the time I fell in love with MPJ, I wasn't lucky enough to get my polished claws on any of the holographic versions and could only get the yucky brown version. But oh no, I WILL NOT SETTLE. And this is where a little spectraflair comes in.

I know that my fabulous franken doesn't exactly glow in this picture but just you wait!


The addition of some spectraflair made the base colour of MPJ a little paler and more grey though but hey, that kinda makes it looks more like the charcoal holo version!

Just a short and sweet post today. Why complicate things with words when pictures can paint a thousands words? ;)

Stay tuned for more holographic awesomeness!


  1. Cool polish! Think I'll have to get something similar...

  2. do you use a base coat, and which one? Vote and comment in my poll, please!

  3. Sometimes when I'm just swatching, I'm too lazy to use a base coat, especially since I'm going to be removing the polish in a few minutes but if I'm wearing a full mani for a few days then I'll alternate between my Poshe base coat and Cult Nails Get It On! :)
