Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! (:

I've always been one to set New Year's Resolutions but whether I ultimately abide by them, that's another matter altogether. I guess the whole process of coming up with resolutions is somewhat like starting afresh. A clean slate. It's a good way to reflect on what we did (and didn't do) last year and we get another chance to "make this right" this year.

That said, here are my resolutions for 2012:

1. Enjoy school life more. It's my final semester as a student, after which, I'll have to work the rest of my life. I'm assuming I'll retire at 65 (hopefully the retirement age wouldn't have gone up by then, although unlikely) so that's working for almost 45 years! GOLLY! Thus, I'd like to enjoy life a little bit more. It doesn't really equate to studying less, but rather, studying smarter and taking more interesting electives. And also, to have fun with my friends. It's the last semester we'll all be together before we get separated.

2. I'd like try to do some nail painting at fleas during the weekends too. I don't know, we'll see how that goes! I've discusses it with a couple of people and let's see if the plan takes off.

3. Paint my nails more. And by that, I mean entire manicures and not the four/five finger manicures I sometimes do and get weird stares in public! I should utilise my polishes better and paint paint paint. Hopefully my toe nails will grow out soon and stop breaking so I can paint them too and use more of my polishes. And once work starts, I don't know if I'll have time to change my polish that frequently, or even be bothered to paint at all but I want to at least paint them once a week, during the weekends!

4. Drink more water. It's not that I like drinking fizzy drinks over water. I don't like drinking anything really. I mainly only spam water when I'm sick and I noticed my skin's always so much better when that happens so I'd like to try to drink at least 1.5 litres of liquids everyday! I'm gonna be  lenient and count Milo and soup as liquids because who the hell just drinks water only?

5. Practice the guitar more. I am one lazy student. I always seem to be winging it for my tests and I really want to get better at playing so me and my friend can start doing covers!

6. Exercise more often. I think the number of times I went to the gym in 2011 can be counted using one hand! HAHA! I'd like to be able to be as fit as I was in JC. Back then, I was in the Health and Fitness Club. It's like a sports club where we train and play, kind of like an extension of PE. I want to go back to that and be able to exercise without feeling faint, so I guess it's a long road to get to there and I'm going to have to slowly build up the intensity.

7. Moisturise moisturise moisturise! I've been getting lazy and I've been just rubbing my body lotion on my nails for the past 3 days instead of faithfully using Lemony Flutter. Gonna get a bottle of cuticle oil and leave it in my bag so I can moisturise my cuticles in the day too! Waiting for Elianto to come back to Singapore to buy their cuticle oil. I tried it in JB and it smelled nice and it was only RM5 so I hope it'll be less than $3 here. Should have bought it in JB! Sigh, dunno what I was thinking not to buy it then.

8. Read more. Gone were the days where I had the time to devour a book within three school days. I'm lucky if I even have the time to read 2 books in a year. Granted if I watched less shows and painted my nails less, I'd have the time to catch up on my backlog of books to read, but I've fallen prey to the impact of the rise in new media and the downfall of printed books.


I think that's plenty to do in 2012 so I'll end here.

Here's wishing all of you a Happy 2012! May the New Year be fabulous and filled with pretty nails! :D



  1. That looks so complicated... but it's so pretty!

  2. @She Shops Makeup: Did you mean to comment in the Dry Water Marbling post instead? Thank you anyway! (:

    @Dani: YES, COVERS! \M/

  3. Ooops! Yup... hmm.. must be an iPhone screw-up!

  4. Very understandable! HAHA!
