Friday, January 6, 2012

31 Day Challenge: Day 26 (Inspired By a Pattern)

I showed you guys a Japanese Waves design a did a couple of months back that was inspired by my guitar pick. Ever since then, I've wanted to try another Japanese Waves pattern but didn't know how to go about doing it because I didn't have a particular inspiration. Then, while I was a OCBC, I noticed they had a lovely debit card design that's called "Surf's Up" and the bank actually has these post card sized designs that you can take home so I took one home and that was my inspiration for this design.

Here's the post card I brought home and below's my take on the waves design (on the left).

I like how it came out but somehow it looks too cluttered. :( And as you can see, I also redid my original Japanese Waves design on my nail wheel!

Polish used:
Essie Jazz
OPI Dating a Royal
Blue, white and black acrylic paint

Next challenge is Inspired By an Artwork. I'm deciding if I should be brave and attempt to recreate Van Gogh's Starry Night Over the Rhone or be a chicken and find something easier!


  1. I like! It's super pretty!

  2. Thanks Candy. Will you ever consider doing this 31 Day Challenge? :D

  3. If I do get started on the challenge, sure! But mostly likely, it will be on nail wheels =)=)

  4. Then do them on nail wheels! I feel it's better tha way because you can keep the designs and you can do a couple of designs a day!
