Tuesday, January 10, 2012

31 Day Challenge: Day 29 (Inspired By the Supernatural)

The first thing that came to mind was to use all the Halloween themed images on my Bundle Monster plates for this challenge but it would be highly unoriginal because that was what most people did.

So I went googling around and I saw this! Gosh, all my friends know I'm in love with the Supernatural TV series! I've been faithfully watching it since 2006 I think and I love the Winchester boys so much! The plot has gotten a little lame over the years, with the whole apocalypse thing and now the leviathans and I really miss the good old days where they used to hunt different demons every episode.

The inspiration was season 7's title card with the smashed up mirror:

And this is what I came up with:

I painted a navy base with TFS BL604 and stamped on a broken glass image from the Bundle Monster BM 208 plate using China Glaze Millennium. I had some difficulties when I did my pinkie and the image didn't transfer properly the three times I tried so upon the third try, with fragments stamped on, I resorted to painting on the remaining line, which explains why some lines are thicker than others.

Look like I have to practice stamping more!


  1. nice! i like the idea of shattered glass on nails! looks better than shatter polish haha

  2. agree with lynn! i think it might not be your problem. the BM plates are kinda difficult to transfer at times, sobs. too bad konad plates are so very expensive. and oh, did you order the old bm plates?

  3. Yup! I ordered one set for myself! I seriously love the older floral/twirly designs!

  4. wow how do u design your nails

  5. Hey! I stamped the design on using the bundle monster! It's quite similar to konad just that it's made by different people! (:
