Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Encounter with My Private Jet

So, I was walking around BGH Bugis one day after lunch with my colleague as we didn't want to go back to our office to resume our work and what did I see? THE HOLO VERSION OF OPI MY PRIVATE JET. I couldn't believe my eyes. Sadly, it was only the tester bottle that was the holo version and the rest of them that were for sale were not. I swatched it and went out in the sunlight to make sure that it was indeed the holo version and it really was! The next day, I went back, asked the sales woman if I could buy the tester bottle and she refused to sell it to me, even after begging her for a good 5 minutes. SOOOO, being so annoyed at her and wanting to get a permanent swatch of it, I brought my nail plate back on the third day and swatched it. I'm pretty sure the woman thought I was mad at that point in time but it was worth it.

I had a few problems with the sales woman. First, she told me that the (holo) tester was THE SAME as the others (non-holos) that were for sale. And secondly, if I, as the customer, am willing to pay FULL PRICE for a half-used tester, why will you be unwilling to sell it to me? I'M WILLING TO PAY FOR IT! If you're not willing to sell it to me, then give it to me larh! SIGH.

I really couldn't get over the holo MPJ so I went home and frankened my own version. Obviously it doesn't look the same colour wise cuz the holo version is much browner and lighter in colour than the non-holo version, which I used as my base clour for the franken. Enough said, now it's time for some pictures!

First picture is to show that the holo version (thumb) is CLEARLY different in colour than the non-holo version (index).

It was extremely hard to get a good shot of the holo-ness of my swatch cuz I was doing my internship then and I really did not get a chance to spend any time under the sun! I worked from 8.30am to sometimes 9pm so this was the best I could do!

Next, my franken! Just look how magical it looks in the palette! The rainbow coloured particles, ohhhh, I can't wait for the franken bottles (5ml ones) that I ordered from icefrost's spree to arrive!

Here is my franken compared to the holo MPJ. My franken is the darker one while the original holo version is the lighter one!

I actually think my franken is more holographic than the original MPJ, just that because I used the non-holo version of MPJ, I have these silver flakes of tiny glitter pieces that mess with the pure holo look. Kind of a bummer!

Here are some pictures of the swatches in sunlight so you can see their holo effect better!

Also, I'm not sure if you can see it, but the holo particles in my franken are a tad larger than those in the holo MPJ.

In case you're interested, the franken recipe is 1 part of any strong holo polish (I used OPI DS Sapphire), 2 parts of the non-holo MPJ and 1 part of any clear polish. I can't wait for my empty bottles to arrive so I can franken a larger batch to store!

(PS: You can click to enlarge the last 4 pictures! The holo effect will look better!)


  1. I actually prefer your version!! But what a weird shop, refusing to sell you a tester at full price...

  2. yeah i agree with candy, your version does look better!

  3. Thanks so much for saying that mine looks better than the original! HAHA! Makes me feel so happy! :D Although come to think of it, my franken kinda looks like CC Revvvolution because it's so dark!

  4. Oh yes! Looks more like Revvvolution, except that Revvvolution is more dark grey than brown... but pretty nonetheless!

  5. @cherubslips Oh, and I was just looking through my bumdle monster plates (yup, for first time, haha!) and I realised I have 2 missing plates (bm-209 and bm-220) and 2 extra plates (bm-206 and bm-208). Was wondering if there's anything that can be done?

  6. The return window is 30days, but it has been more than 2 months since the plates were ordered (3rd June). I will email them nonetheless to see if they will pay for the exchange of plates. Keep you updated when I receive a reply from them!

  7. Thanks so much and so sorry for not checking earlier!
