Monday, August 8, 2011

Check out this blog!

Okay, I don't normally full on promote blogs on my blog (shout outs don't count okay!) but check out this blog Poppynails!

One of the reasons why I'm promoting her is because she's Singaporean! (: LOCAL TALENT OKAY! (Yes, painting nails is considered a talent to me!) I was just randomly googling swatches of polishes (I do that when I'm bored okay, don't give that look!) and I happened to click on her blog link. And before I knew it, I was entranced by her swatches! They aren't perfectly painted (we're not all pro nail bloggers here) but I always get so excited when I find out I'm not the only one in Singapore going GAGA over polishes. Kinda makes me feel normal having a nail polish collection!

She's totally made me want to buy China Glaze Refresh Mint all over again with this post of her's! And after seeing another post of her's, I so want to try out the combination of grey nails with mint tips!

Oh and can I just add this girl has MAC Blue India!!! I'm beyond jealous. I've been lemming for Blue India since I laid eyes on it but I discovered nail polish a bit too late so it's been sold out ever since. I've even tried to acquire dupes of it (Sally Hansen Complete Manicure Grey by Grey) but no to avail as and ulta doesn't ship polishes outside the US. So I've basically resoted to frankening my own Blue India dupe but how the hell will I know how close I am until I actually see a swatch of it IRL for myself?

If only someone will see my blog and go absolutely bonkers over it! I guess that will take some time to build this baby up and in the mean time, I can only continue to swatch away!



  1. You can get Sally Hansen Grey by Grey on ebay, but it's not cheap... about SGD16 per bottle with shipping, although you can always buy more polishes to save on combined shipping

  2. Really? I couldn't find it on ebay although I think it must be because I was using ebay Singapore. I also wanted to get Deborah Lippmann but the store everyone bought from on ebay doesn't sell it anymore!
