Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Idolising Lapis and Sapphire

Decided to rock some blue nails and I dug out LA Girl Color Addict Idol, Essie Lapis of Luxury and of course, my new favourite bling bling polish, DS Sapphire!

I have two coats of Idol and three coats of Lapis of Luxury with one thin coat of DS Sapphire on top on my accent ring finger. Took this picture under my table lamp.

And this one was taken in sunlight!

Absolutely in love with the olive-gold shimmer in Idol! And well, the idea of layering DS Sapphire over Lapis of Luxury wasn't exactly my idea. The moment I saw it on Fashion Polish and Spaz & Squee, I knew I had to try it for myself!

YAY! In love with this accent combi! By the way, since I'm talking about blue polish, have you seen Chanel's Les Jeans de Chanel Collection pictures yet? I have my eye on Blue Boy!

Pictures taken from temtaplia!

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