I've cut it back. BY SO MUCH. I'm so proud of myself! I only bought SEVEN polishes this month! (:
Top row: OPI DS Sapphire (the first two bottles. YES, I bought two bottles *bows head in shame*) and Orly Space Cadet
Bottom row: OPI Siberian Nights, From A to Z-urich and Java Mauve-a
This was taken under my table lamp.
This was taken under my table lamp with flash.
This was taken in natural sunlight. The colors here are pretty accurate for the most part.
I totally forgot to take the haul pictures with the TFS BK901 holo polish I got while I was in Malacca but it's been swatched
here and
here so click away for bottle pictures and swatches of it!
OPI DS Sapphire, an awesome holographic color. I think it's considered a scattered holo. It's not exactly very linear, just a little but more scattered. Then we have Orly Space Cadet. This picture does it no justice at all! Here's how awesome it can look in real life!
It's mainly either green or purple and I have no idea how I managed to capture so many colours in this photo!
Both DS Sapphire and Space Cadet needed 3 coats (Space Cadet sometimes needed 4 coats even) but they were both worth the additional coat(s) and were still relatively easy to handle!
L-R: OPI Siberian Nights (swatched
here), From A to Z-urich and Java Mauve-a (which looks almost similar to
Sinful Colors Vacation Time)
I know the above picture is kind of dark but it's pretty color accurate!
One thing I've got to say about From A to Z-urich is that while it may appear like a berry shade in the bottle, it dries ways differently to an almost vampy shade. Kinda like Malaga Wine but creamier. (PS: I swatched Malaga Wine courtesy of my friend and I'm so tempted to get it! HAHA, but I must resist!)
All three of the colours here only needed 2 coats to achieve opacity!
YUP, that's all for July's Haul! I actually got a (huge) bottle of pure acetone and a buffer too but I'm not showing them because they were pretty cheap! Oh, but I must rave about the pure acetone I got! IT'S AWESOME, especially for clean ups! You know how some blogs teach you to use a small brush dipped in polish remover to clean up? Whenever I used normal polish remover, I was never able to clean up my nails that way! But now, with pure acetone, clean ups are so much easier! It also helps remove the more stubborn colours better with less staining to my nails! Only flaw is that it's pretty drying for the nails so do remember to moisturize after using acetone! Apart from that, I HIGHLY recommend getting pure acetone! I got mine from PNC (in Chinatown)!
Lastly, school's starting again tmr. Sigh. Which means I'll have less time to swatch my polishes but let's hope I can keep the posts coming and do at least one post a week!