Monday, March 5, 2012

Revamping My Franken Bottles

This was how my frankens look like. I used to simply write their names with a black marker on the glass but that got erased easily whenever I rub my fingers over it. I then realised that if I pasted a piece of tape over the glass and then write on the tape, the writings will last a little longer but it will still fade like in the picture above.

When I saw Lynderella's polishes, I loved how she used circular stickers and wrote the names of the polishes. It made the polishes look more handmade and precious. I wanted to find circular stickers like hers but I couldn't find any big enough. Then the other day when i was at Daiso, I saw these rectangular stickers that looked big enough to write the names of the polishes on, without covering too much of the glass surface so I could still see the colour of the polish!

On goes the name of the polish...

Then I stuck a piece of tape over the sticker to keep it "waterproof".

And tadah! New look for all my frankens!

I redid all the labels for my frankens and now they look more "professionally done"! LOL!


  1. Can't wait to try to fraken mine!!

  2. Can't wait to see it! (:

  3. i can't wait to order lots of bottles for myself! tried using acetone to clean up old bottles, but i think it's going to waste too much acetone, hahahah

  4. I can give you the empty clear bottles I have! I don't like 15ml bottles, they're a bit too big for frankening!
