Tuesday, March 6, 2012

(Guest Post) The Power of Polish with Crimson Nails

Hey girls! Today I have a guest post by Jackie Clark from the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, a leading web resource for mesothelioma cancer. This issue of cancer runs close to heart for me as I've lost a relative to cancer. Jackie and I both believe that all women need to feel beautiful, no matter what circumstances they may be facing. Women are powerful beings and WE need to realize it! Sadly, many women are hearing those devastating words 'you have cancer.' Despite a cancer diagnosis, women can still feel beautiful in their own skin. Fashion is a wonderful way to feel strong and confident.

Without further ado, here's what Jackie has to say:


Feeling beautiful in your own skin is of the utmost importance to a woman. There is nothing like that boost of self-confidence to make you feel ready to take on the world. The most powerful women in the world felt beautiful in their own skin. That is what gave them the confidence they needed to accomplish all that they did.

Women of all shapes, sizes, and ethnicities should feel beautiful at all times no matter what their circumstances. Women diagnosed with mesothelioma, for instance, should feel beautiful despite their diagnosis. Women who are diagnosed with this cancer have come into contact with asbestos. Upon learning that they have mesothelioma and undergoing the necessary treatments for this cancer a woman can feel depressed and not beautiful. However it is important to remember that not even a cancer diagnosis can take a woman’s beauty. True beauty shines from the inside out!

One of the most perfect ways to boost your confidence is to empower the tools of fashion and beauty. One of the most basic and overlooked fashion and beauty tools is manicures. Getting your nails done gives you a sense of beauty like no other, especially if you get crimson nails.

The process of getting your nails manicured is another reason to get crimson polish. Getting your nails done is a very therapeutic experience. Not to mention it is a great stress reliever for many women. Crimson nails instantly give a woman a feminine feel, a sexy allure, and a youthful appearance and feeling. So when you feel you need a little sparkle in your life to pick you, simply get yourself some crimson nails.

(image credit)

Crimson nails can make a woman feel anything from sexy to alluring to powerful. Plus, crimson nails are a fashion classic. Ever since the beginning of nail polish history, women have been wearing crimson nails. Crimson nails were perhaps the first nail color ever worn and they remain by far among the most popular ones worn today. If you’ve never had your nails painted crimson, then you should definitely do so sometime in the future. Just try it, and you’ll be amazed at how glamorous you’ll feel. You’ll feel like Marilyn Monroe or even a Grecian goddess.

Women of all ages and all occupations wear crimson nails. Powerful business executives can be found sporting crimson nails during business meetings just as cashier clerks at the local grocery store or department store can. The power of polish is amazing and conveys a sense of power like no other and every woman cancer patient or business executive should experience it. When your nails look good, you do too!


So remember, it isn't the end of the world if you've been diagnose with mesothelioma cancer. What's important is that you fight on and stay confident!


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