Ozotic 504, 529 and 534's entire colour shift encompasses a gold, orange, pink, purple, indigo and royal blue spectrum. They flash mostly purple to royal blue indoors.
Similar to yesterday's post, this will not be a wordy one. Just pictures of the beautiful polishes ahead! This is one coat of 504 and 534 and two coats of 529 over black in all the pictures.
You can see the warmer tones in these three polish in the picture below.
The flash does bring out the cooler indigo/royal blue tone.
If you haven't heard already, Ozotic has announced that they're discontinuing the 500 series and they're having a sale until the end of June or until stocks run out, so if you haven't grabbed your favourite 500 series polishes yet, please do so before it's too late! For girls in Singapore who are interested, you can order your Ozotics from Susan! She's taking in the last batch of orders on 24th June (Sunday) so remember to submit your orders by then!
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