Went to collect my new polishes from my friend and I just had to take a picture of them! I didn't purchase all of these Essies at one shot! These are just some of my Essies which I though fit the colour theme! Left column: Body Language, Chinchilly and Smokin' Hot. Right column: Playa del Platinum, Jazz and Hot Coco.
And I'm proud to say that all these 6 Essie colours all needed only 2 coats to be opaque! Kudos to Essie for its recent awesome formula! God knows how I cringed when I had to paint FOUR coats of Turquoise and Caicos on!
Took another picture with flash because I couldn't resist!
The new Essies I got were Jazz, Playa del Platinum and Chinchilly, so you probably can tell I'm still in my greige / neutral mood!
Here we have Playa del Platinum on my ring finger and Chinchilly on my pinky. (And in case you're curious, I have China Glaze Pelican Grey with some glitter polish on top on my index finger and China Glaze Seaspray on my middle finger. Note that Seaspray isn't as blue as it appears in the pictures! It's much paler.) I guess I'd describe Playa del Platinum as a greige because it clearly has some yellow / beige undertones! Chinchilly looked a little more brown than in the picture but really, it's predominantly grey! It's quite the opposite of OPI You Don't Know Jacques, which is more brown with hints of grey.
After thinking for a while, I realised that Essie Jazz looked really familiar and then I remembered, I have an Elianto polish (Eggshell) that looks almost like it! Case in point:
All taken under different lighting, with the last one taken with flash.
Again, last picture was with flash, the first 2 were taken under a lamp.
On the nail: Essie Jazz on the left and Elianto Eggshell on the right! Jazz is a little more yellow whilst Eggshell is a bit more beige but really, who's gonna notice? I think I've started to lower my dupes requirement so I'm gonna let this one pass and say they're pretty much dupes! Essie costed $11 while Elianto was $2.90 (or was it $2.50?) so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that Elianto is more worth it! Both were 2 coats but again, Elianto applied more opaquely so it wins formula wise too! I'm sure Essie will win in terms of staying power (as it normally does) but if I'm gonna change my nail colour after 2 or 3 days of wear, what difference will that make?
Pretty mad at myself for not realising how close the 2 colours would be because I thought Jazz would be closer to OPI Tickle My France-y but it's not!
L-R: Elianto Eggshell, Essie Jazz and OPI Tickle My France-y, taken without flash.
Same order as above, taken with flash.
Okay, I think when you start buying polishes without realising how many close dupes you already have, it's time to take a step back and stop for a while. I bought almost the entire Misa 9 to 5 collection via Gwen's spree (sans Wokring Hard or Hardly Working and Blush Hour, although I'm now considering whether to buy the first one), which are mainly greiges and taupes so I hope I don't have any dupes!
Hope this post was helpful!