Party has tiny purple and green hex glitters, medium yellow hex glitters, large blue hex glitters and to top it off, red and black square glitters, all swimming in a white base.
This is two thin coats of Party over a white base.
As you can see, Party dries quite patchy and I thought it'd be the perfect time to see how well Nail Pattern Boldness Glitter Food works. Here I'm wearing one coat of Glitter Food on top of my Party combo.
Right off the bat, you can how Glitter Food has managed to "tame" the glitters and have provided a smoother finish. Glitter Food does dry with a satin finish though (see below).
So on went a coat of SV to seal everything together and viola!
The moment I saw Party, I immediately thought it looked like the lovechild of Pretty & Polished Party on my Yacht and Jawbreaker. Don't you think so? I'm lucky enough to own them so I thought I'd do a little comparison. Here I have Party on my index and ring fingers, Jawbreaker on my middle finger and Party on my Yacht on my pinkie.
Here's a close up of Party vs Jawbreaker.
And this is Party vs Party on my Yacht.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who sees the resemblance. That being said, I'm still welcoming Party with open arms, into my polish family!
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