So here's my year in nails - my top 12 from 2012! I'm not listing them in any particular order though, because I love them all too much to rank them.
1. My Birthday Jelly Sandiwch
I discovered a wonderful thing called the jelly sandiwch this year and I'm absolutely still crazy over it. I wanted a fun mani to wear on my birthday this year so I decided to do a birthday jelly sandwich and it really brightened my day!
2. OPI Softshades 2012
I always thought of OPI Softshades as pleasant but a little boring so this year's Softshades, inspired by the NYC Ballet, caught me offguard. I never expected myself to love these sheer, jelly polishes so much. Plus they're the perfect polishes to make a jelly sandiwch (discussed above) so I love them even more!
3. Pretty & Polished Jawbreaker
This year also brought the boom of indie polish - nail polish made by independent makers. Pretty & Polished was probably my first indie polish love and Jawbreaker was the one that opened the floodgates for me.
4. Easter In A Bottle
This is probably my favourite franken of the year. Inspired by so many indie polish, I decided to give some mixing a go and came up with this. It was especially serendipitous when I realised how close Easter In A Bottle was to Nail-venturous Lacquers Robin Laid an Egg!
5. Hey Ya! nails
I didn't do a whole lot of nail art this year but this one is still my favourite from the few. I did this for my Inspired By A Song manicure and it still remains as one of my favourite (and fun) nail arts so far!
6. Essie Navigate Her
If I had to pick one polish from all the Spring lines, Navigate Her would be it. I hadn't seen a pistachio green polish before so this was such a revelation for me!
7. piCture pOlish Orbit
My love for galaxies grew this year and Orbit (worn matte above) was such a pretty polish that looks like millions of stars twinkling in the night sky.
8. Jade Holografico Energy
A teal blue ultra holographic polish. Need I say more? :P
9. Cirque Fascination Street
My love for OPI DS Glamour is no secret and yet Fascination Street managed to wedge itself between my and DS Glamour, which was no easy feat. A deep, saturated shade of indigo, throw in some holographic goodness and you've got me a first brushstroke!
10. Layla Flash Black
Flash Black is my favourite out of the first eight Layla Holograms. It's a crazy blingtastic holo that puts all my other charcoal holos to shame!
11. Layla Emerald Divine
Emerald Divine is such a lush shade of green. I have NOTHING like this in my stash and this was an absolute win from Layla.
12. Layla Coffee Love
Coffee Love is everything I wanted OPI My Private Jet to be, and then some. MPJ was one of my first loves (along with Chanel Nouvelle Vague) and unfortunately, I still do not own the holographic version of MPJ so when I laid eyes on Coffee Love, my heart skipped a beat and did a somersault!
So there you go, my top 12 from 2012. When I was going through my posts to pick these, I realised I didn't have much to pick from so my New Year's resolution for 2013 is to bring you more swatches!
See you all next year! :)