Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Color Shifting Top Coat Frankens

I bought a couple of pigments from More Nail Polish and TKB and I added them into some clear polish to make 5 awesome colour shifting top coats! The two pigments I got from More Nail Polish were finer and appeared to have a more shimmer finish while the ones from TKB had a glass flecked finish!

I bought the Red/Green and Blue/Green pigments from More Nail Polish and the Gold/Green, Purple/Gold and Blue/Purple pigments from TKB. Please click on the links above to find out more on the items!

Now, onto peektures! I've typed on the color shifts onto the pictures so it will be less confusing. All the swatches are one coat of the franken top coats on top of two coats of OPI Black Onyx.

Now for close ups and descriptions for each individual top coat:

Red/Green: This one actually morphs from red to gold to green! It's really pretty and if you've been lusting for Clarins 230, this is one pigment you want. All you need to do is make a purple jelly base and add in some of this pigment and BOOM, you have yourself a Clarins 230 franken dupe! And it'd only cost you a fraction of the cost!

Blue/Green: This one reminds me of Catch Me In Your Net / Yodel On My Cell! I'd like to see it in some other polish though!

Green/Gold: This was made from the pigment called Shanika Sun and it's been compared to Orly It's Cot Rocket Science.

Purple/Gold: This one was made from Miranda Star and it's comparable to Galaxy Girl although I personally find it looks closer to Space Cadet!

Blue/Purple: This last one was made from Cherika Moon and again it's comparable to another Orly polish, Lunar Eclipse. I, however feel like it's more similar to Galaxy Girl!

Pretty pretty pretty top coats right? I do think that I should have added less pigments into the clear polish because I intended them for layering and it's a little too dense for the base colour to shine through. The glass fleck top coats do remind me of some CND sparkle effects polishes too. If I'm not wrong, Raspberry Sparkle and Sapphire Sparkle do look similar to two of the frankens I've made so I don't feel the urge to buy them anymore. Yay to saving money! (:



  1. pretty even if they dont morph!

  2. OMG! These are soooooooo pretty!!!! LOVE love all of them!! *lusts*

  3. (not sure if my comment got through so I shall just repost)
    omg!!! These are so so so so pretty!!!! Love them all!! *lusts*

  4. Do you have tutorial on how to make these? :) They are stunning!

  5. @thepolishwell: Thanks gals!

    @icefrost: You just have to mix the pigments with clear polish and shake! Add bit by bit to determine how dense you want the particles to be!

  6. Janelle @ Life.Love.NailpolishFebruary 15, 2012 at 1:29 AM

    Beautiful! One thing about Clarins 230, though, it's in a red base. It's a slightly deepened red base with the red/green/gold shimmer and it's beautiful. I really need to use mine, but I want my nails to be perfect when I wear it.

  7. Oh, I always thought it was in a purplish jelly base (with more red than blue in the mix) but thanks for the insight because I've never seen the mystical Unicorn's Pee before! So jealous you have a bottle!

  8. OMG AMAZING Thanks for this good ole tip and info you know how much money people like us can save, I'm going todo a video on this and direct them back to this page on ur blog if thats ok with you??

  9. Of course it's okay! (:
