From thumb to pinkie: Nubar Faded Jeans, Nubar Boyfriend Jeans, Chanel Blue Boy, Nubar Dark Wash Jeans and Chanel Blue Rebel
OH MAN. I feel like kicking myself for cracking and getting the two Chanels. The Nubars are so so so so so close and I dare say they even apply better because of the wider brush. Between Boy Blue and Boyfriend Jeans, Boyfriend Jeans seems a little more saturated while Blue Boy looks just a teeny bit more dusty. Between Dark Wash Jeans and Blue Rebel, again, the Nubar seems more saturated and the Chanel dustier, but the difference between these two are slightly more obvious than the previous pair. I didn't get Coco Blue but judging from how close the other 2 Nubars are, I'm guessing Faded Jeans ought to be close enough to Chanel to call this collection a good smackdown!
Nubar wins for being easier to paint as well as being more affordable!
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