Okay, on to DS Sapphire, here's a bottle shot of it, along with the other holos I picked up recently! L-R: TFS BK901, OPI DS Sapphire, Make Up Shop Greta
I know Greta doesn't look very holographapic in the bottle but trust me, it's the most holographic out of the bunch. It's a VERY linear holo, whereas Sapphire and BK901 seems a little more scattered.
I have Greta on my index, DS Sapphire on my middle finger and TFS BK901 on my index. 2 coats each with no base or top coat. I'll just let the pictures do the talking! All these were taken under my table lamp (as it's friggin night time so I don't have the sun on my side) so I would say the holo effect would be more apparent under sunlight!
Took this last picture with flash and it really helps bring out the holographic effect in the polishes! And if you noticed, I experienced really crazy tip wear with Greta. I took this picture a day after the rest of the pictures above. Before I went to bed, Greta was still intact and when I woke up, MAJOR TIP WEAR! I don't understand how I could get such bad tip wear from sleeping. Clearly it wasn't me because the other 2 polishes were as good as new! And to think Greta was the most expensive out of the bunch!
Anyway, I noticed that Greta seems to dry matte while BK901 dries quite glossy! DS Sapphire is somewhere in the middle. You can go without a top coat but it'll definitely shine more with a top coat on. I've heard that normal top coats kinda kills the holo effect abit and OPI has a DS top coat but I'm not gonna bother buying special holo top coats or aqua bases!
Also, I swear, DS Sapphire is as holo as BK901 although it doesn't seem like it in my pictures! It's really full of sparkly holo goodness! (: Maybe it's just less obvious due to its silvery, light blue base colour?
I'm really hoping by some stroke of a miracle that China Glaze would relaunch their OMG Collection! I'm just dying for holos right now. Oh, and Nfu Oh has some great holos as well but at $40 a pop? No way am I paying that kind of money! It's even more expensive than Chanel! I have tweeted the sidewalks and requested for Nfu Oh flakies though, so if she manages to bring flakies over, holos should not be a problem right?
Anyway, hope you enjoyed the pictures! (:
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