This was taken in natural sunlight. Here, it looks more peachy.
his was taken with flash, so you can see all the shimmer in the polish! The shimmer isn't as obvious as depicted in this picture so don't worry if you're anti-shimmer! The polish looks more pink in this picture and honestly, after wearing it for four days, depending on lighting, it's gonna vary from nude, to peach to pink! It was very amusing notcing how it would "change" colour!
Added a coat of China Glaze Fairy Dust on my index finger so it wouldn't look too boring!
The bottle states it lasts up to 4 days (wonder why it only says 4 days because 4 days isn't gonna impress all of us right?) but it only lasted 2 days for me? Maybe cuz I was strumming a lot on my guitar so my ring finger experienced a lot of tip wear and chips! Left it on for a total of 4 days cuz the colour was pretty neutral so the chips weren't that obvious and when you have nails as short as mine, there's not much white tips to my nail, so when it chips, it mainly chips on the pink part of my nails so it wasn't that nasty looking!
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